April 04, 2014

Five Minute Friday: The Hobby of Writing

I'm linking up over at Five Minute Friday today!  Join me?

The first book I ever authored was entitled "My Little Ponies" and the storyline involved a girl who escaped to "Pony Land" one evening while she was supposed to be in bed.  I thought through the plot, wrote the words and carefully illustrated each scene. (Isn't this an 80's/90's child at her finest?)  My first grade teacher helped me bind it in a little cardboard book so my classmates could "check it out" from our " classroom library" and read it.

The "My Little Pony" book is tucked away with some other childhood treasures at my parents' home, but I appreciate the opportunity that I had as a child to feel the accomplishment of being deemed a writer.  It tempting to think that the lofty title of Author can only be given to a person whose work makes it to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list.  Truthfully, authors come in all mediums and with varying degrees of experience.

Now, over twenty years after my first book (ha!), writing has become a hobby for me.  I enjoy putting pen to paper to write in a journal or a letter and my fingers tapping on a keyboard can quickly translate thoughts from my mind to the screen.  The ability and the confidence to write--even if no one else reads it--can be soothing, uplifting and clarifying.  It's the perfect hobby.  And the souvenirs are great.  If you ever want to read my second grade masterpiece, "The Day the Tiger Left his Tail on the Beach," come to Mississippi and check it out of the Penn Library. 


  1. Oh Memory Lane. I remember the cardboard books at First Pres!! I loved getting to pick out the wrapping paper covered cardboard to be the Book Cover!! I will have to look for mine when I go home!

    1. Book work was my favorite! I loved being a "publisher." They are hilarious to read now! :)

  2. I love that you still have your books. My mom has kept some of my "early writing" and it's still so special to me. I agree so much about writings clarifying and soothing potential and yes the "souvenirs" are wonderful. What a great way to put it!

  3. P.S. You'll be so happy you have this souvenir of yours and Kern's story, as well. I'm so thankful for my blog now, but I wish I had documented mine and Peyton's early days of dating and engagement!

    1. Children's writing is just the best...and it's so fun to think back and remember writing it! You're right about the blog being a scrapbook--I've already enjoyed seeing the progression of my time in DC. And who knows where we will end up eventually!

  4. I enjoyed this piece, the feelings of childhood evoked is rich and I love that you have at least two books under your belt. :)
    *New baby = late response)


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