June 25, 2013

Dinner Party

The week of Mississippi on the Mall has unofficially become "Mississippi Week" in the Nation's Capital.  In order to add to the celebration, we decided to throw an Ole Miss dinner party on MOM Eve.

Mary Ellis, me, Carolyn

Carolyn made goat cheese and sausage stuffed croissants with a raspberry vinaigrette dipping sauce.

Master Chef Cascio cooked Flash-sauteed fresh cherry tomato sauce with tuna over angel hair pasta.

Topped with freshly grated parmesan and basil served with a delicious side salad made by Mary Ellis.

Great candids like these don't come around too often of Jordan.  This one is a keeper.

"Learn, little by little, meal by meal, to feed yourself and the people you love, because food is one of the ways we love each other, and the table is one of the most sacred places we gather."
-Shauna Niequist, Bread & Wine

I was tasked with making dessert: a challenge I took to heart and gave much thought.

Is there really anything better than yellow cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting?

The answer: yes - if you top it with a sugary Mississippi sprinkle state.

I wish every dinner could contain these elements: satisfying, delicious food, good friends and conversation...and chocolate buttercream frosting.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! I could eat a whole MS cake by myself right now!


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