July 14, 2011

The Eastern Shore

My family has owned a cottage on the Eastern Shore in Cambridge, Maryland since 1956.  The property was bought by my grandparents and my dad added on to it in the 1970's after returning from Vietnam.  I grew up spending a few days there each summer.  I must admit, since I moved to DC, I have underutilized this oasis on the Chesapeake!  I was given my very own key last fall and decided it was finally time to spend a weekend relaxing there.  Kern and I invited our dear friends, Laine and Jake, to go with us.

Relaxing on the dock after a fun day on the boat

The view from the driveway (house is on the right)

We got plenty of food from Chelsea's Produce stand!

There is nothing more delectable in the summer than fresh corn.

Salmon with a brown sugar bourbon glaze

Sunset on the Chesapeake from our dock

When the house was first built, there was no indoor plumbing--my dad used to get water from the pump!

Lainey and Jake

It was so nice to just sit and be still at sunset

We met four years ago!  Laine is such a blessing in my life.

So when can we go back?!

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